Volleyball, size 5, training ball with PU coating

Sku K0074020
Manufacturer Code 74345
18.24€ / tk Client Price 17.33€ / tk
Product Description
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Product Description

Võrkpall Lekolar.

  • Hea treenimispall
  • Pehme jaapani PU-mikrokiudpinnaga
  • Suurus: 5
Product Details
Manufacturer LEKOLAR
Manufacturer Code 74345
Unit tk
Barcodes 02006673
Availability in stores
NB! The stock of the stores seen below is not in real time and does not take bookings into account. Check the availability in stores.
City Address Qty Phone
Tallinn Peterburi tee 92e, 13816 0 pcs (+372) 600 5133
Tallinn Kadaka tee 56b, 12915 0 pcs (+372) 656 3690
Tartu Rebase 12a, 50104 0 pcs (+372) 734 3474
Pärnu Pae 8, 80042 0 pcs (+372) 446 4406
Jõhvi Keskväljak 6, 41536 0 pcs (+372) 337 0297
Narva Puškini 22, 20307 0 pcs (+372) 359 2092
Valga Pärna pst 1, 68207 0 pcs (+372) 763 5473
0 pcs
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